Which Acne Medicine is right for your Skin!

    When using Acne medicine, sometimes you have to be careful because sometime you can be allegeric to them and also breakout with a rash on your face and sometimes your face is sensitive to different type of chemicals in the Acne medicine. When you pick out Acne medicine, pick out the one that your face can handle. If you don't, then your face will be irritated.
    In my experience, I try so many Acne medicine, but none of them work for my face. For one thing, my face is normal. When looking for Acne  medicine for my face is hard because there isn't one for normal and sensitive skin. They don't say nothing on the bottle. Which for one thing they should. Many acne medicine should be able to have different skins for different kinds of skin type, not everyone has the same type of skins.
    There is one that I learn is that you cant mix up your acne medicine because you can also irritated your face. For example you cant mix clean -n-clear and Clearasil together. They might be the same, but they have different chemicals that why some acne medicine will say don't mix your acne medicine with other acne medicine.
    When I learn which acne medicine to use, well that became hard for me, because there were so many. Then I came across Purpose, it was like the proactive of the bunch. It not only work for acne but it even work for burns, scars, but that was when Johnson and Johnson own them, but now it different, so I don't know. Not to long ago, when I starting to use, Clearasil, I like the way it made my face felt and look, instead of paying for a high price for something, I learn to keep it simple and use clearsil, it fast acting and very ultra that will keep your face clear and get rib of acne fast.

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