Too many Animals and Not Enough Kindness!
Today I have had a little orange kitten came up to me, it was starving and I don't understand how come someone can be like that and just toss a cat to the curb and act like it was a bag of garbage, I just dont understand and I think I never will. It makes me sick to see a poor little kitty in the condition that it was in. When it came up to me, it wanted food, so I gave her food, water and milk, then she decided to let me pet her, because I gave her something that she wanted, she was very friendly. At first I didn't think she would let me pet her, because the condition she was in.
When I decided to pet her, I noticed she was hairless because of a bad flea infection that she has, I noticed she once was long hair. She was the most beautiful kitty I ever saw, well besides the ugly look. I can tell that she was once a beauitful kitty, but I forgot to mention that she is toothless, Which means she has no teeth, just the fangs. Which I felt pretty bad, because I gave her food, not knowing that she can't eat it. So I went to the store and brought some wet kitty food, for her to eat and she ate all of it. It was like wow, I never once saw a little kitty, eat something so fast. She was so cute when she ate her food, you could see her ears go back and forth, like when a little kitty sucking on a baby bottle.
I dont understand why, someone can just abandon a cat, dog, horse, or anything, I dont understand. Why can't we all just join forces and start making the law a better one, start making owning animals a little harder, We may have getting our pets neuter and spayed, but what does that mean, there are still horses to think about, people only breed horses just for the money, not for the love of them, same goes for dogs, cats or anything. When the law going to get better? To be honest, I dont know, it's so hard to tell, when their is a stupid president that doesn't know what he is doing, and not to mention there are stupid governor's that don't know what they are doing. They are only doing to get free money and don't care about what going on with the world, when will all this change, when can all these little animals, big animals, the frightful one's, the nasty one's, the rebels ones, get to be free and live in a world that they can finally called home. To be honest, I think they will never live in a free world, someone will always be the abusive one to one of these animals.
When can we all live free, in a peaceful world, no harm, no danger, no nothing, just a world to live happy. I guess that the world I will never see. To many people keep promises, and those promises are always broken, what happen to the home that we could able to called home. But then again, proaching has always been here and it always continue. I don't mean to get off subject, but what happened to that little orange called, oh by the way, I name her Little foot, because she was small, It made me think that what happened to her, is happening to all those little babies that are out there. I remember when I found my little Lily, She was the same way, but she was only 3 weeks old when I found her, She was cover in gasoline, and she was blind. She was the most cutest little thing that I ever saw. To this day, I still have her, she is going on 2 years in May 2016. I had a hard time getting her to eat, but now, She is the most beautiful thing that I ever came across.
This is to all the people out there, please help save as many animals that you can, you are their defender, protector, you are their voice, their eyes, you are their strenght, when they are weak. Please help them. They need it.