Letter from Alexis: Sweet Heart February!

Hello February, it nice that you show your face. It hard to believe that you roll around. In a couple of days it will be Valentine Day. So in honor of Valentine day, I will be doing something for you guys all month, it time for me to share more with you. I will be sharing some fashion content with you guys. I will be sharing a project with you guys as well. But first, let's take a peek of what I have coming for you this month.

Fashion: I will be doing a winter ready capsule to what are my favorite fashion trends of winter. I will also be sharing with what fashion accessories that you need to have in your closet to what fashion accessories you can wear all year. I will also share with you what are my style questions and answers to your fashion questions. I will also be sharing with what the most important piece of clothing that you need to have in your closet.

Beauty: I will be doing what skincare products you need to be using for winter to what beauty tips you need to know for winter. I will also be sharing with you the best tips you need to know about your skin to hair tips. I also have some hair advice that everyone needs to know to what the best hair product for my hair.

Lifestyle: I will be sharing how to lose weight the correct way to how keep it off. I will also be sharing with you what the perfect fitness wear for you to wear to should you keep a journal of what you are doing.

Recipe: I will be doing some Valentine day treats for you from making a valentine day cake to heart shape cookies. I will also be doing some heart shape brownies as well.

If you would like to see anything on the blog, Please comment below.

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