How to Survive a Breakup!


      When it comes to, Valentine's Day, we all want that special someone. Sometimes it can be hard especially when you break up with someone. I dated someone on and off for 6 years. Some would ask if it was good or bad.  I would have to say that it was bad, because when you found out that someone you are suppose to be with, decides to cheat on you, but instead of finding out, I felt it. It was not hard to break up with someone, especially when your heart was not in it. I didn't love him, because he didn't exactly gave me the chance to and to actually be with him, but when you look at in the long run. It was fine, because I didn't actually love him anyways.
    When you first break up with someone, you need to tell yourself that you can survive without him or her, because you don't need them, they need you. They thought that after they had you and after you give them everything, they just going to throw you away, and you also need to do the same to them and teach them that you don't need them. They dump you for a reason, don't ever give them the benefit of a doubt. There are steps that I learn to follow, which are 3 of them.

Step 1: Always be prepared when someone you are with someone, never give them the benefit of the doubt, always keep your eyes open until he ready to give you all of him not the other way around, A relationship should always be a two sided street not one. If you find your way crying over him, then I suggest do something that wont let you think about him or her. Explore new places and make them the places that you will go. Don't try to think about him, because in the long run he not thinking about you. He free to do whatever he wants. So you do the same.

Step 2: Do what you wanted to do. Go live the life that you want, not by someone elses rules or standard. This is your time to shine your way. So get going. You only live once, so make this one count. Keep a board with everything that you want to do, once you accomplish it, you check it off. It actually fun when you think about it. I didn't do this when  I broke up with my person, because I pile my way thought work, which was fun, because I able to do catch up with everything.

Step 3: Go on vacation with friends, it would help. Especially when you have friends that care about you.  They will help you get over your ex. Who knows maybe you might meet someone new. You just have to get out there and find out.

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As a Disclaimer, This is from my own experience. I don't try to be an expert on things, they are from my own experiences, it what I learn and I keep learning.

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