Healthy 101: Fruit Salad
I love a perfect fruit salad, that is so yummy and so refreshing. When it comes to making a fruit salad. I don't like to used all the fruit, I like to used some, not all. The reason for this is because I like to have some fruit for the next day and many other days. To me it not necessary to put all the fruit in one bowl, it best to spread it out, so that what I do.
I am that type of person who can just eat fruit all day long. When it came to making the fruit salad, I wonder why does everyone put yogurt or almonds on theirs. I found out that I don't like it that way. So from my conclusion that I figure that no one is the same when making any type of food. If you ever want to make a fruit salad, it really easy and really simple to make. I make them all the time. I like them. I will keep making them and eating them. So if you would like to make them, just grab some fruit and start cutting and put them in a bowl.
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