Handbag 101:10 Must Haves items for your Handbag!

When it comes to your handbag, it never easy to know what to put in it, especially the things that you might need. Whenever I carried my handbag always carry about 3 cosmetics bag and other belonging. But I decided to do something that not everyone carried a handbag and when they do they don't know what to carry in it. So I decided to do something that is a little different then me, see I carry about 3 cosmetics bag, one for makeup, one for accessories of all sorts of things and the one other one, I like to carry some of my teas, sugar and other things in bag. I also like to carry hand Sanitizer for my hands and also when I get in a situation where I touch sticky things. I would also like to keep gum and also breathe mints in my bag as well. There are other items that should be in my bag, but I only did the ones that I had in my bag, since I carry them all the time. But anyways, some of my belonging, I got from Dollar Tree, because I like it and I need it, and plus they last a long time for me. I like the fact that I can re-buy the items if I like it, and I also like the fact that I can share them with you. There are 5 stores that will be easily for you to get these things if you need to, some you probably wont, but there are other stores for you to get them if you want them. Just remember that not everyone is the same and does not need to keep the same thing in their handbag.  So please stay tuned.
Here are the items:
1) Cinnamon Mints, Dollar Tree
2) La Colors Lip Balm , Family Dollar
3) Wallet , Goodwill
4) Beauty Bag , Dollar tree
5) Sunglasses, Dollar Tree
6) Perfume Arizona, Sample from Scent bird, but you can carry any perfume you want.
7) Bath and body Work hand Sanitizer, Christmas present from someone
8) Elf Acne medicine, Dollar Tree
9) Sun Screen Max Block 30 SPF, Dollar Tree
10) Key Holder, eBay from a china store

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