Letter from Alexis: Makeover May!

        Happy May Everyone. How is everyone doing on this gorgeous day? Here in Michigan is raining, actually it been raining all week. As some of you may know, I am going to switching to WordPress in the next month or so, I am trying to get everything done, before the move. During this month, is going to be full of many content for you guys, I hope you all will love it. The theme for this month is called Makeover May, because I am going to be making over my life and my blog and trying to take the blog to the next level. I also have something else that I am going to be doing. So please stay tuned. I am going to be starting on with Ask Alexis to Q & A about my personal style, fitness and fashion and also about the new opportunity that I am doing. I am also going to be doing some DIY for you as well. I am also going to be creating some content my soon to be YouTube channel.
    I am also going to be doing some definitions on the items that I use on my blog for you, because some are wondering why and what they mean, So I will be doing a mini dictionary for you all. I am also going to be doing some Cinco De Mayo article to lead up to Cinco De Mayo. I will also be doing some fitness and health question for you to some fitness quizzes for you as well to know where you stand in Fitness. I am slso going to be doing more to my Instagram, which means I will include beauty and fashion tips each day which means they will be known as weekly tips, which I can't wait for.
    I am also going to be including your traditional Style Tips to your perfect spring style wardrobe and what you should include. I am also going to be doing a spring capsule for all of you spring lovers. I am also going to be doing something new, so stay tuned for that, I won't be saying much about that, so you need to come back for that. I am also going to be doing my likes and dislikes about blogging to my 7 tips to beautiful skin. I am also going to be doing my own personal currents trends that I like and dislikes.

What are you looking forward  to May? please leave in comments below.

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