Tone it Up:What diet is right for you?


I believe this salad will fit into the The Mediterranean Diet.

    When I was doing my research on diets, I learn that there are so many of them out there, that is so hard to choose from. To make it harder, there are medical reasons diets, where if you are suffering from a disease, then you are allow to be on one, by your doctor. When I heard about diets, I thought about being on one, but then I decided against it, because I don't like diets. I never did. But after learning  there are so many out there, I was amazed by them. When learning about them, I didn't know what to write about and how many if I should. So I decided to only do the important ones that everyone knows about. So let's get into it.

The Paleo Diet:
    This one is the most natural way of dieting, because it abandons all sugar intake. It the simple and easy way, this is the one that  I am sorta on, because I don't really eat or drink sugar. The only sugar that I drink are in my kickstart and my fruit. With this diet the only sugar that you are eating is in the fruit. Also grains, bye wheat bread processed foods, bye frozen foods and also dairy, bye milk is all eliminated from this diet. When it comes this diet, you can only eat fish, veggies and fruits and sweet potatoes and many others.

The Blood Type Diet:
    When it comes to this diet, it all depends on your blood type, if you have type O blood, then you are recommended to eat lots of food that are high in protein. If you have type A  blood, then you are recommended to avoid meat and place it with turkey. If you have type B or AB there are also dietary restrictions and there are recommendations.

The Vegan Diet:
    When it comes to Vegan diet, there is no meat and no animal products allow with this diet.

The South Beach Diet:
    This diet will eliminated the bad carbs and keep the good carbs. It also helps get you the healthy way of eating. It also helps with a good selection of healthy fats, lean protein, as well as good carbs.

The Mediterranean Diet:
    This one is also another way for an Vegan diet, but it does not eliminated all meat. If you suffers from depressions, this type of diet will help you with that. This diet also recommends oil as much as possible in replace of butter. It also recommends to eat vegetables with each meal and also eat fish over chicken.

The Keto Diet:
    This diet is a very low carbs diet. Which means it turns the body into a fat burning machine. Some say there are benefits with this diet, it even help you perform better.

    There are many factors that are good and bad when it comes to diets, because sometimes people take it a little to far. If you are one of those people who are interested in getting on one of these diets, please get seek help so you can learn more about them. I suggest get a dietitian or a fitness instructor who would be willing to help you learn more about each diet and help you decide on one of these diets. Also get tested also, to know if you have anything wrong with you because there is one diet that is called the blood type diet. So I hope this helps you figuring*-+ out what diet you would like to be on and also help you decided whether or not you are going to get more information from a dietitian or a fitness instructor.

What diet are you thinking about being on, Please share in the comments below.

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