Ask Alexis: What to do when you like someone!
I remember when I was in high school. I used to like someone, but that person never like me in return. So looking back on moments like these really bring back for what I went thought in high school. So I really like the fact that I get questions like these or even think about questions like these, which are really cool. because I get to learn something new and I really like that. I also learn a couple new things about you guys as well, which is really cool. What do you guys remember in high school. I know I remember everything about high school, which includes something what my friends did to me, which that is another story and another ask Alexis Question.
Dear Alexis,
There is this boy that I like. I like him last year when we were in school. I don't know if he likes me back or if he has a girlfriend. I don't know what to do. Can you please help me. I don't want to let this one go.
When it comes to liking someone, I always had a hard time telling this person that I like them and I still do. The reason why is because I always get rejected, I don't know what. The saying goes, do you feel that you are going to get rejected or are you scare that he not going to like you back. I suggest work with it slowly, because you don't want to say the wrong. You can always check to see what his grades are, and be his tutor buddy. You can also write him little notes and put them in his locker. You can also find out what music he likes and write a verse to the song he likes and put in in his locker, and then you can always at the bottom of the note, that you are planning on wearing his favorite color that way he knows that it you and that you like him. But with his favorite color you might have to watch out for that one, you can always leave your favorite color on the note, or spell it out each letter on separate notes, I think that would be a cool one to do.
But like I said it actually hard trying to get the words out that you like someone, I know I get tongue tied, when I try telling someone that I like them, that why I don't tell anyone that I like them. If I do I keep it inside. Here one advice that I can give you, Always be yourself, and get the balls to tell him. If you get laugh at, tell him, that at least you are not a coward to finding the balls to tell someone that you like them. Just be patient, and just have faith.
If you like someone how would you tell them and how would you react to them liking you back. Please comment below.