Ask Alexis: How do you know when time to let go of your Ex?


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This is a very simple question, because we all been there, and I know I have. I may be over my ex, but he not over me. He stills think we are together, but in reality we are not. I was in an on and off again relationship for about 6 years, and it was the type of relationship that I didn't care to be in, because he was a player. He didn't care about me like he should. But with me to get over someone, it takes me a week, or two, and I can just turn it off, because the type of guy he was, it was just easy and I didn't care. He kept promises to me that he didn't keep and finally last year, I said I was done. I couldn't take it anymore, I got sick of the abuse and the negativity that he cause me, telling me that I wouldn't go anywhere with my life  and telling me that I couldn't do nothing. When he told me that I just like in shock, because I never thought I would meet someone like that. So after 6 years, I ended it, it was hard. But I just could not take it anymore, the ones that are in a relationships should not have to take the abuse that we get, especially when we hear it at home, work, school or any where. We just need someone  that will be there to listen to us when we are feeling down, not negativity.

    Dear Alexis,
    I was wondering if you could tell me how do you know it time to let go of your Ex? I have been with my ex for about 2 1/2 years. We decided  to end it and I would like to know how do you know it time to let go?
        xo broken heart

    We all come in to relationships with a purpose, but sometimes that purpose don't always play out. The reason why because one of us is not in it anymore or we don't like the way we were treated. It hard getting over an ex, and it takes time. The only thing that I can give you is to let time heal and remember the love you two share. Sometimes when you let time heal, you will want to get back together and realize that the two of you were meant to be together. But to make it easier, let time heal the broken heart you are feeling. Only time can heal the pain you are feeling, and only time can make you get over your ex. Just have fun and be with friends and be yourself. It the only thing you can do, go be friends and surround yourself with love ones and be able to open your heart when you decide you are ready to date again. I know  that you have been with your ex for 2 1/2 years, just don't do what I did, get over to quickly, because it catches up to you when you don't want it to. Also don't try to date every girl or guy just to get over your ex, it does not work like that. It takes time, and only time will tell you when you are ready to let go and move on.

If you have any relationships questions, Please email me, I will be sure to answer them. 

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