Workout Wednesdays: What Type Of Fitness Guru Are You?

Each month, we all go through our fitness routine, whether or not, we would do it or not. I am one of those people that claim that I will do my fitness and never does. So I have created for the month of April is a fitness quiz to see what type of fitness guru are you. It is fast, fun, and easy to do. If you still don't know, try to at least do Fitness one time a week to get the hang of it and also you might like it. Here is the quiz that I created for you all. I will be joining you on the quiz, On Friday I will reveal what my answers were. So please join me.

1) What do you do when you first get up in the morning?

    A) Go to the Gym    

    B) Stay in Bed

    C) Make breakfast

    D) None of the Above  

2) What are your favorite Cardio workouts?

    A) Jogging

    B) Walking

    C) Gym

    D) None of the Above

3) What type of Fitness do you like to do?

    A) Yoga

    B) Pilates

    C) Cardio

    D) None of the Above

4) What do you eat for breakfast?

    A) Healthy Breakfast

    B) Cereal

    C) Junk Food

    D) None of the Above

5) Your ideal Workout includes?

    A) Yoga

    B) Weight training

    C) Weight Lifting

    D) None of the Above

6) What are your strengths and weakness when working out?

    A) Weight loss

    B) Get healthy

    C) Getting Fit to please someone

    D) None of the Above

7) What is your go-to food when you work out?

    A) Protein Shake

    B) Snack bars

    C) Veggie's

    D) None of the Above

8) Your Favorite Type of Workout Routine is......

    A) Pilates

    B) Yoga

    C) Weight Training

    D)  None of the Above

Mostly A’s

Whether you are a fitness Guru or someone that likes to work out. I suggest you stay the way you are. You heading in the right direction when you are working out. Make fitness your passion. Don't be afraid that fitness will change you. It makes you lead a better life.

Mostly B’s

You are semi-heading in the right direction, but not in the direction that you should be. Always think of the positive and not the negative. Don't think that you are creating something bad for yourself when you are not.

Mostly C’s

Whether you doing it for yourself or for someone else. Never doubt yourself that you are doing something wrong when you are on the wrong track. You just have to give up something to get you to be on the right track. Don't be afraid to tell someone to back off, when you are trying to do something that you want to do.

Mostly D’s

You are not getting on the right track. When you are putting none of the above. 

So what is your favorite workout that you like to do? What is your pre-workout food if you have one? I will do my own to show everyone my own personal regime workout goals.  Please leave comments below. 

xoxo Alexis 

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