Tuesday Ten: Getting To Know The Editor of Captivate Styles

When it comes to the editor-in-chief of Captivate Styles, we all have come to know about Ms. Marie. She has come a long way to do what she loves, and this week we are getting down to know more about her and what she has in store for Captivate Styles. So who is ready to know about her and her blog? Let's take a peek at what she has to say.
1) What is your real name?
My real name is Alexis Marie.
2) When did you decide to start a blog?
I always did blogs, but I decided to get rid of them and start fresh and do a blog that I really love and care about. I decided to do Captivate Styles because it is something that I feel passionate about.
3) Have you ever thought about quitting blogging and going to work for a Magazine?
Sometimes I do. But then I realized why I started in the first place. I love my blog. If I decide to apply for a magazine writing position, All I get is probably just an internship. To be honest, I am too good for that. I know what I am doing and I know that my writing is not that good, but truth be told, we all need proofreaders to read our work and fix our writing. So no, I probably won’t work for a magazine. I can easily turn my blog into a magazine if I want to.
4) What has been your inspiration to start your blog?
I don't really have any inspiration to start my blog, just the fact that I love writing and I love doing what I love, which is talking about fashion.
5) Have you overcome any obstacles in your blogging career?
To be honest, I have to say no because it seems like, you must be a certain product in order to be recognized. You must be the type of person that begs for attention. To be honest, I am none of those things, I love to be able to keep and have my own personality. To be accepted in the blogging community, you must be able to go and buy expensive things like a Chanel bag, or a Louis Vuitton bag and be able to follow what the blogging community wants. I feel like I don't have none of those things, and I know for a fact that I will never have those things, because I think it stupid to go and buy an expensive bag or a product for that matter just to be in the trend and to be wanted for something. So no, I don't think that I overcome any obstacles with my blogging. The only obstacle that I overcome is being able to start my blog and doing it.
6) Do you ever fear that people are judging you, because of your blog?
I want to say yes and I want to say no. I know that with my followers they don’t judge and when it comes to the people that are supposed to be my friends, they judge. When it comes to brands, I also think they judge, because I don’t have many followers due to the fact that I don't like wearing the same thing as everyone else. I like to be different, I know what I want. I know that I like the color pink. I know that I like to do things a little differently. But in the working sense of all this with collaborating with brands, I know that I will get the job done and I know that I will do whatever it takes to do a campaign that brands love and would want to use.
7) What do you have in store for Captivate Styles?
I have many things in store for Captivate Styles, that I will actually keep secret until I feel like it and if I am ready to tell people, and I don't think it is ready yet.
8) Is Captivate Styles the blog that you ever wanted?
Yes, she is, I feel very proud of her. I feel like I can actually do something that I feel passionate about without anybody judging me. All my life I have been judged and now people can't judge me, because I am actually doing something that I love and I will keep doing.
9) How do your parents feel about you starting a blog?
Well, it's just my dad because my mom died a few years ago, I think if she were alive, she would be very happy with me, I know my dad is too, but he doesn't show it, but I know that he is happy, and he doesn't have to show it. But my mom would be happy because she knows that I finally did something that I said I would, and I am very proud of her.
10) If you could write one permanent message on your blog, what would it be?
Do I have to choose just one thing, there are so many messages out there that keep me going. But there is only one that sticks with me, though from the very beginning to the end, the message is, Never give up. Always follow your dreams, no matter how hard it gets, and keep pushing to be your very best, no matter what people say or what they throw at you. Keep pushing and Never give up on your dreams.
So what did you all find out about Ms. Marie? Please leave comments below.
xoxo Alexis