Winter Wednesdays: 5 Fashionable Looks for Winter!
Hard to believe that this is the first full month of Winter. Can I jump for joy, please? I have created 5 fashionable winter looks for you to be out on the town or be cozy at a ski resort or simply be at home. When creating these looks, I knew I would wear them. Something about them would make me wear them because I like stuff like these. It would bring joy to me and I know it would bring joy to others. This winter it really has not been that cold outside, it has been a mild winter. So one look would be okay to wear in the mild winter. I try to keep some looks subtle, but that's not me. I like to go all out, there is one thing about me, I am not a plain Jane, I can't be, it doesn't define who I am. So let's take a peek at what I have for you.
1) Cozy Grey
2) Warm Winter Fleece
3) Cozy Winter Faux
4) Deep Freeze Blue
5) Deep Warm Black
What is your favorite look? What winter pieces do you wear? Please leave comments below