Letter from Alexis: Achieve April!

Hello April, we are so glad that we get to see this season! How is everyone spring going so far! I know some of us are still experiencing some snowstorms still. So, I decided to make this month theme all about Spring. I am in full swing when it comes to spring, I am ready for some flowers to start blooming, so I can start taking some photos, instead of using fake flowers, so unreal. Let’s peek to see what April fill is with. Whether or not you’re into Spring or into do it yourself, or just relaxing, this month theme is all about making you feel your best. With that being said, I would like to share with you on something that I hope that you take as advice, this month theme is all about being true to yourself, and achieving what you want to accomplish without feeling down or someone telling you that you won't make it. I know because I was once in those shoes when people telling me that I won't make it (More to the story in the next coming days). From Ask Alexis to 10 Shades of Alexis Marie. From Spring Hair Secrets to April Style Tips. I also will be telling you what my spring routines are to what the most effective workout for spring.
 During my time as a journalist or what someone would say blogger, I learn every opportunity that come my way as a learning opportunity for me, which I love and for some I’m still learning, and I think I will always learn something. While this month is Achieve April, we all have something to learn and be proud of it.  I will also be reading your questions about career change, what is the best time to make the career move. I will also be showing you how to make a budget friendly office to the most budget friendly artwork that anybody can have in there home. I also have something special coming to April, which I am staying on the lowdown about.

I am also showing what I learn along the way about being a blogger, from the ups and downs and what I like and what I hate. Why I became a blogger and why I started my blog. So, check daily and, I am going to be doing some interviews with some fashion and entertainment industry professional, since graduations is upon from high school to College, I know some of you are interested in some jobs or career goals information, I will be giving some information about that to. So, stay tuned.

What are you interested in seeing on the blog this month, please leave in the comments below,

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