Love Bombers: Are They True or A Manipulator!
As someone that used to date and been with someone for almost 6 years, I have learned what this person was all about. Sometimes I wish I never dated this person, but from what I know now, I learned a lot, I wish I learn about its years ago. From what I did back then from what I know now, it hard to date someone, especially because of all the crap that I went thought. My ex-partner was a Love Bomber, I never knew what it meant to be in one until I started dating one, and now when I look at all these potentials people who are looking for a relationship and they are at risks, so in my experience and what I gone through, I have to say I can spot a love bomber mile away, and also I can also spot a manipulator, it not so hard when it comes to me and come to know what really going in inside someone in. I have never been a likable person, because I can see all the bull that comes from someone mouth. So, when you are looking for a new relationship with a new partner, follow these tips that I learn from all on my own.
When it comes to gift giving in a new relationship that is completely early on, I understand if a rose or a bouquet of flowers, but they start buying you things like Teddy Bear, jewelry, etc., these types of gifts are known as a manipulator who trying to win you over without you having to ask questions. When my person gave me a teddy bear, I didn’t care for it, I know it was sweet, but it was early in the relationship, I don’t think so, it feels weird.
Learn to recognize the gestures that they are telling you. They are just trying to make you vulnerable. If you believe anything that they are telling you, it makes you weak. I learn firsthand when I was dating someone, the moment when we got together, he tries to make all these gestures that was supposed to make me weak in the knees, like for example, he was going to get me a ring, he was going to give me everything that I wanted, just little things that to be honest, I didn’t care about.
Usually they say, if it too good to be true, it probably is, so don’t follow it. Learn the reality of it all, ask yourself questions, like what does this person want. Why am I falling for this person. Can this person give me what I am looking for? When they tell you what they are going to give you, wait for a week and ask for it. If they get mad, then you automatically know what their true intentions are. Here a little tip, always let reality set in, it will be your best friend at the beginning of it all and at the end. Never lose it.
If you feel like the relationship is going to fast, it probably is, because the person has you in a grasp and they are not going to let go. Once they have you, that it unless you pulled the plug on it now and walk away. Once I walk away, it felt good and I never regretted it at all, I learned from it, and I also learned what I am looking for in a person and I also learned what to look for in a person and listen carefully.
If you have ever been in a love bombing relationship. What was your experience? What did you learn from it? Did you get out safely? Please leave your comments below